The last minute talk between Sanjay Dutt and Judge
Posted On Thursday, August 02, 2007 at at 15:03 by rk rishikesh sinhaNEW DELHI,INDIA
Sanja Dutt: In the last 14 years you (Judge) have known me better than my own family.
'Don’t lose faith in yourself'As Judge Pramod Kode pronounced the sentence, Sanjay Dutt burst into tears. As he gathered his composure, he requested the police constables to let him speak to the judge. A dramatic conversation followed.
Dutt: Sir, please tell the policemen not to surround me and treat me as a convict.
Judge Kode: Door ubhe raha. (Stand away from him.)
Dutt: Sir, I want to request something. I know it is much, but please can you grant me time to surrender? I will return day after tomorrow. I have some family matter to settle and my sister is also pregnant.
Judge Kode: There is no provision under the law to grant you relief.
Dutt: Can I at least make a call to my daughter?
Judge Kode: OK, allowed.
Dutt: Sir, in the last 14 years you’ve known me better than my own family. Please give me relief.
Judge Kode: I am doing my job. Once the sentence is pronounced, there can be no more concessions. Do you want me to commit an illegality?
Dutt: Sir, I am just requesting. It’s your discretion.
Judge Kode: I have been giving you concessions for the last 10 years, but not now.
Dutt: Sir, please keep me and Yusuf (Nulwalla, Dutt’s friend who was also sentenced) in one jail.Judge Kode: Both to be kept at Arthur Road till their application for not shifting them outside Mumbai is decided. Jail officials to give proper security… Sanjay, I have just done my duty. During the conviction too I had said you are not a terrorist. Today also I say you are not a terrorist. You know what you have done. I don’t want you to lose faith in yourself.
Dutt: Yes sir, it’s just that I am tired.
Judge Kode: Yes, I know but don’t lose faith. You are No 1 in your field. In the 10 years, you have done well even during the trial... You should be like Gregory Peck, who acted in films like McKenna’s Gold.
Dutt: (Says nothing, merely nods his head.)Judge Kode: Which was the last film your father acted in… (pauses)… Munnabhai! He looked better than you. As your father acted till his last moment, so must you… I have sentenced you to only six years, of which two years have already passed and the remaining four will also pass quickly. You also have lawyers who can appeal to higher courts. Courtesy : Hindustan Times
Kya Yahi Pyar Hai - A song from his first movie Rocky
Aa Dekhein Zara - Rocky
Bahut Pyar Karte He - Saajan
Chitthi Aayi Hai - Naam
Piyu Bole - Parineeta
Ya, i had missed those conversations that occured between the judge and my always favourite star, Sanjay Dutt. If i were in his (Judge) position, i would have relieved him from all the allegations. Its not an emotional decisiion rather its a practical decision. One who has already spent 16 months in jail and everybody knows, how nice he is -- why 4 more years?
nice post..
was really eager to read the convo between him n the judge..
good blog.