Chak De India Review: The Passing Feelings
Posted On Sunday, August 19, 2007 at at 07:32 by rk rishikesh sinhaNEW DELHI,INDIA
Chak De India Defined: You laugh. You love. You ponder. You feel Indian.
Chak De India is Chak De India!! After the movie it is damn sure you will come out rejuvenated with tons and tons of energy. You feel nice, you feel light, and you feel an instant urge to share each and every emotion that has stricken you, of course if you could come out remembering everything.
Above all, I feel that you will appreciate the movie to make you feel that the real beauty of India lies in its unity in diversity. It is just like the way petals are attached to a flower that makes what India is. A frank admission if you are really a person who cannot stop or hide emotions and put everything in words, then it is better you take a friend who can patiently listen your bakwash, and doesn’t interrupt you.
You can understand and might have gauged till now how I am feeling after coming out watching the movie. The movie is fantastic, out of the bollywood style of masterpiece.
There is no part, character in the movie about which you can say it was not necessary and irrelevant. From the first scene to the last scene, you sway with the movie. In the direction part, I can understand it would have been a tough job to delete and keep the tempo of the movie. Great work from every department of the movie, I would like to add if you are expecting something like bollywood work of cinema with songs, actions and end-knowing stories, than I am sorry there is nothing in the movie minus India wins in the whole affair of game. Take my word. The movie will keep you on your toes. You will become the part of the movie. You will laugh, cry and bite your nails.
In the movie Shimit Amin’s direction is flawless. There is nothing to mention about the editing work done; it is absolutely marvelous, what you see is what you hear. Actors included Shah Rukh Khan, Vidya Malvade, Sagarika Ghatge, Shilpa Shukla, Chitrashi Rawat, Anaitha Nair, Shubhi Mehta, Sandia Furtado, Arya Menon, and Masochon V. Zimik have done a stupendous job. Though most them were facing the camera. Music by Salim Merchant and Sulaiman Merchant is something to talk about.
The film starts with the Hockey match. Don’t miss if you have a habit of entering cinema hall late. Captain Kabir Khan (Shahrukh Khan) misses a goal at the end of the match, which causes the team to lose the game. A little scuffle between him and journalistic-twist ruins his career making him responsible of the loss against Pakistan in the final. Seven years later, Kabir returns with a proposal to coach the Indian Women's Hockey team for which he was desperate to coach. He is selected to coach the women’s team.
From the first day of his countenance to the 16-hockey players; his struggle to see them play united goes, and it goes till the end of the movie. That is the recipe of the movie around which the whole story revolves. The camera-work of the game showed would make you feel you are watching a real match. Finally the women’s hockey teams wins.
In the movie, the effort and the honesty with which Shahrukh Khan (as Kabir Khan),
Sagarika Ghatge as Preeti Sabarwal,
Chitrashi Rawat as Komal Chautala
Shilpa Shukla as Bindia Naik
Tanya Abrol as Balbir Kaur
Anaitha Nair as Aliya Bose
Shubhi Mehta as Gunjan Lakhani
Seema Azmi as Rani Dispotta
Nisha Nair as Soimoi Kerketa
Sandia Furtado as Nethra Reddy
Arya Menon as Gul Iqbal
Masochon V. Zimik as Molly Zimik
Kimi Laldawla as Mary Ralte
Kimberly Miranda as Rachna Prasad
Nichola Sequeira as Nichola Sequeira
Raynia Mascarenhas as Raynia Fernandes
played is such it could be given a 21-gun salute. Jose Maurinho
Let me add about the Shah Rukh Khan acting, the way he dressed up, and his overall looks carrying a light beard has been influenced by Chelsea manager Jose Morinho.
Go and Watch the Movie – Chak De India. It is a very saaf-suthhri can take your sister, as I took; well earlier I was apprehensive about the film.
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Will go and watch the movie to find out what has been written in this article is true or not....if whatever written is true it would hv been a real pleasure to seems Hindi cinema is changing from its monotonous stories and doing some real work....nice piece of work.....after watching the movie will comment again....ranita
you go with ur whole family.......
be assure.............
but remind you ...........
u will get flavour of each community but u will not get anything of Bong,,,,.......