Feel Happy…

Sometimes we feel, life is very beautiful but at the other moment we feel, life is very boring and it doesn’t have any meaning we are just living our life without any Expectations or without any Goal……But have you ever felt anything about the chemicals which secretes in our body during all the Emotional sides??????? No Na….

Ok, have you heard the word “Hormones”??? Definitely yes… Actually Hormone is the Chemical Messenger of the human body between the organs which regulate throughout the Body. Only those Chemical messengers prepare our body in every situation like, when we feel bore or you can say, it affects our moods swings.

But the level of Hormones secretion is different in males and females which detected by many Psychiatrists during their studies.

Apart from all Hormones, here we are just talking about the Hormone which Affect our mood and we feel Good or Bad.

Everybody likes Happiness in their life even me, When Someone use to call me “Hormone” (Happy Hormone) and I use to call him “Glucose” ….Nice Na …… Ok we were talking about the happy hormones those are Serotonins and Endorphin. Whenever you feel happy only these hormones get secreted and give Positive affect on our mood. Due to Positive affect of Hormones we feel like, LIFE IS VERY BEAUTIFUL AND FULL OF HAPPINESS…

The level of hormones secretion increases when we see our favorite food or someone we love….etc etc. Secretion of Hormone can be enhances by exercising or by doing something favorite which stabilize the production of Hormones.

Do you know behind all the secretion of Hormones there is only one MASTER PIECE …Yes this is our BRAIN which is the powerful unit of our body. Brain decides How we have to react according to the situation and that also affect hormone level.

So try to Feel Good and Happy because only happiness brings positive thoughts and makes our life BEAUTIFUL….

Written By:
Kusum Yadav

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  1. Pranatiy Saikia Says:

    Nice article.I must blame my hormones for my bad mood instead of yelling!isn't Kusum.You did good research work. Keep it up.