Use Google Search Browser as a Calculator and Money Changer

Friends, believe it or not, the Google's search browser do many jobs than what we take work from it. For example, besides churning out millions of results of your query, the search browser works as a true calculator ! and as a currency converter!

So next time if you're above your PC and using Google search button, and in the mean time you have to find out what is sin 45 degree, or the value of 4 raised to the power of 4, or the solution of any type of complex arithmetical problem - Google is there to take care of your problem!

Just type sin 45 degree in the Google's browser and press Enter. The answer you get is: 0.707106781

Just type 4^4 and press Enter. The answer for the value of 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 is equal to 256.
Complex arithmetic problem:
To solve this 2 + (2 x 3) - ((-8) - 9) + (8 / 2) + (6 x 6).
Type 2 + (2 * 3) - ((-8) - 9) + (8 / 2) + (6^2) and press Enter. You get the answer: 65

To effectively use this feature, you must know the operators and its functions. Have a look at it.

  • Here "+" is the operator of the function "addition". Ex 3+44
  • Same "-" is the operator of the function "subtraction". Ex 13-5
  • * for multiplication. Ex 7*8
  • / for division. Ex 12/3
  • ^ for exponentiation (raise to a power of). Ex 8^2
  • th root of calculates the nth root of a number. Ex 5th root of 32
  • sqrt for square root. Ex sqrt(9)
  • sin, cos, etc. trigonometric functions (numbers are assumed to be radians) sin(pi/3), tan(45 degrees)
  • ln for logarithm base e ln(17)
  • log for logarithm base 10 log(1,000)

Furthermore, Google's browser also helps to convert money in different currency value. Ex: 20 USD in INR.

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